Abri’s Audit and Risk Committee is appointed by and accountable to the Group Combined Board. The Committee provides oversight and advice to the Group Combined Board on the matters listed in its terms of reference and after each Committee meeting provides a report to the Group Combined Board on its proceedings. This report is for the year ended 31 March 2021.
The purpose of the Committee is to oversee the work of the external and internal audit functions and the system of risk management and the internal control framework. This includes monitoring, reviewing and challenging where necessary matters in relation to external audit, internal controls, risk management systems, compliance, whistleblowing, fraud, financial viability and reporting. The Committee also scrutinises health and safety as well as fire safety compliance and during the pandemic provided ongoing assurance to the Group Combined Board on Abri’s approach to the risks associated with the Covid-19 Pandemic. The Committee also oversees the work of and assesses the integrity of the financial statements for the annual accounts to entity Boards, and compliance with the Regulator of Social Housing’s Regulatory Standards including adherence to all relevant legislation in relation to Abri’s obligations. It also undertakes other roles and duties delegated by the Group Combined Board under its terms of reference
The Committee consists of wholly independent members; there are three non-executive directors. The Committee Chair is Ashley West, Ashley is a non-executive director of the Group Combined Board of Abri. Ashley has a wealth of financial, banking and commerce experience and brings experience of audit and risk committees from other sectors.
Other members are Joanna Makinson (non-executive director), Simon Porter (non-executive director), and the Chair of the Resident Scrutiny Group Kevin Williamson (co-optee). The Committee is attended by members of the Executive Board to present and comment upon reports, the Committee however holds regular sessions without officer’s present, including meeting with the external auditors without officers’ present.
The Committee has met on six occasions as a Committee during 2020-21 and attendance is set out below:
Committee effectiveness
A skills audit carried out at Group level demonstrates that the Committee has the requisite financial skills to enable effective scrutiny and reporting on behalf of the Group Combined Board.
Advisors to the Committee
KPMG provided internal audit services to the Committee and BDO are appointed as the external auditors. The Committee considers both KPMG and BDO to be independent.