Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR)
Outlined below are the results of the Group’s SECR requirement for 2020/21. A prior year comparison is included.

- In the current financial year we were responsible for 1755 tCO2e (tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents).
- In the prior year we were responsible for 2,513 tCO2e.
- In the current financial year we used 7,117,239 kWh (kilowatt hours of energy).
- In the prior year we used 8,507,250 kWh.
- In the current financial year, we used 1.2 tCO2e/FTE (Intensity Ratio (IR))
- In the prior year we used 1.98 tCO2e/FTE.
This shows that during the year we reduced the amount of carbon we generated though emissions by 758 tCO2e and reduced the amount of energy by approx. 1 400 000 kwh.
We opted to use full-time equivalent staff as the intensity metric to ensure consistency of reporting in future years, as the type of emissions incurred are more closely related to employee numbers than turnover, which is the other metric available for use. Our intensity metric dropped from 1.98 tonnes of CO2 Equivalent to 1.2 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per full time employee.
Emissions factors used DEFRA 2020 Methodology. The report is aligned to GHG Protocol Emissions Scope 1 & 2. Emission types included in the calculations related to:
- Electricity and gas consumed at office premises and vehicle emissions, and;
- Vehicle emissions from vans used by repairs and maintenance staff and from employees on business mileage
Annual energy efficiency statement
We're committed to tackling the climate change emergency as a priority. We are looking to minimise our carbon footprint and maximise the positive steps we take to protect the environment. As custodians we must tackle what is the biggest challenge facing society and our business, which is why climate change is one of our seven strategic priorities.

During 2020/2021, we conducted an Executive-led research project to accurately baseline current levels, identify options, set targets to inform and agree our five-year corporate carbon strategy. Subsequently, this will support us to develop a holistic and transparent delivery plan to achieve these aims.
We have completed a carbon benchmark of our existing homes to ascertain the cost to retrofit to net zero carbon and to create a road map of the necessary projects. We have set higher new build standards that will ensure our new homes are net zero carbon ready and not adding to the retrofit challenge.
We are committed to creating significant carbon literacy across our organisation, empowering colleagues and customers to minimise our shared footprint. We’ve trained 10 colleagues as Carbon Champions to provide training to every colleague over the next three years.
In addition, we have undertaken a number of improvements to our corporate buildings including changing lighting, improving waste management and introducing smart sensors to minimise energy wastage. This, combined with a more agile working pattern impacted by Covid-19, has led to a significant reduction in our carbon footprint this year.
Our approach to Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)
Building new, affordable homes in a way that is mindful of the environment and smart in design is critical. However, providing housing is only part of our purpose because we’re also on a mission to create thriving communities where equal opportunity is a reality.
We’re not the only people passionate about these things and we’re excited about giving our full support to the Sustainability Reporting Standard for Social Housing that was launched by the ESG Social Housing Working Group.
The standard aims to encourage more consistency when it comes to reporting against environmental, social and governance issues. We’re proud to be early adopters of the new standard, which we will report against on an annual basis.
This standard is a fantastic step forward for the sector. It’s a great way for us all to hold ourselves accountable and remain mindful in our approach to everything we do.
Alongside other providers, and with lenders and investors, we can improve our ways of working and make sure we always consider the impact we’re making both environmentally and socially.
We join 70 other organisations in adopting the new standard at its launch, which covers affordability, fire safety and net zero carbon emissions.
Chief Financial Officer
We can achieve more for communities when we hold ourselves accountable to higher standards. Here’s some of the ways we’re doing this:
- Growing our Board by co-opting an influential voice in the region, Lou Taylor. With his expertise and knowledge, we can push our equality, diversity and inclusion commitments forward at a more rapid pace.
- Embracing Modern Methods of Construction to build homes in a quicker, more environmentally-friendly way.
- Taking the lead from customers in terms of our services and delivery, meeting the needs of everyone we serve.
We’re confident we’ve got good ESG practice covered, but there is always more to be done, and more to learn. By bringing together investors and providers, we can share information in a more organic way and make sure that we manage risks collaboratively.